Monday, April 18, 2016

Poem #22 Autism Inside Out

A big part of today was doing an interview with a lady who contacted me about my son and his violent behaviors and how that affects me as the Mom. It was a hard interview. She is gathering evidence as her doctoral thesis to do something about this difficult situation families find themselves in dealing with violence from children on the spectrum. She wants to help. I appreciate that and that is why I patriated though it is probably the hardest thing for me to just sit down and talk about.
She stopped me part way through and observed though she was asking questions directly about me, I kept filtering everything through the perspective of my son. I spoke with distance about myself in trying figure out how I felt about all of it. I pushed into third person when it was really difficult. That made me think about how my son has a preference for third person speaking too. It was an “aha” moment of understanding him and myself better.

Autism Inside Out
I am used to observing you
All you do
Picking apart
Your art
Your heart
Where things for you start
What is or isn’t
What does or doesn’t
And how to proceed
I look at how you lead
Where you go
Things you tow
How you know
What you do
If you’re blue
If I have a clue
Sometimes I really don’t
I don’t know
Where to go
How to find
What to do
Or what you need
You are still a child
Sometimes mild
Other times not
Many times we have fought
Not like others do
But with a shoe
That you throw
To hurt me
More of that is with fists
Or hits or kicks
I tire of it
So do you
We hope it stops
Or drops
Far away
Where we can’t get to it anymore
A far distant shore
We can’t even see
How free!
Yes, let us gaze
At one another
Till we know each other
Not to study
But to memorize
How each part works
The many quirks
The jerks
The unsteady walk
The balk
The time we are unsure
Let us not focus on cure
But growth
And promote
The love we seek
Through our speak

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