Saturday, April 23, 2016

Happy Birthday, Will! and other things...Poems #27 & #28

I usually attempt and succeed at writing some kind of sonnet to celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday, but my mind cannot settle into the task tonight. You get two disjointed poems and more prose than anything. We can’t all be the Bard!
Happy Birthday William and yes, thank you for your plays and many sonnets that inspire me daily!
Much Ado About Something
Come, come mist over
The water raging
And forth it goes
For pages
The flow of fast running words
That tickle and trip forward
To show past
In this present picture to make
A crack of open wounds and wonder
Our eyes leak
In recognition of our now
We lean in
Come and rest at this
Monument of feels
Our best meal
Satisfied we leave
Overfull and so very happy

Child ‘Hood
Deeper than the deepest well
Comes the toll of saddest bell
I know not how to fell
A permanent shade in my parts
Into pitch black my heart
Is thrown asunder
Under a rooted memory
Calling to me
When I hear my friends
Who also morn
The passing
Of a baby not born
Who breathed not
Whose cries were not heard
Or briefly held
To be taken
But they all remain
So close
We miss them most
The have-nots
With us forever remain

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