Monday, April 29, 2013

Poem #29 of National Poetry Month. This evening I went and returned a sleeping bag and camping pad that I borrowed nearly three years ago from a very generous and patient friend. It made me in mind of that great quote from Polonius in Hamlet Act 1 scene iii. This is for you Syrinda, thank you!

Deferred Taxes
Never a borrower or lender be
When you borrow you can pay great fees
And lending can lead you round the bend
Especially, if that person is a friend
They take the thing they needed most
And keep it with no regard to the host
You are wondering if that thing is now toast?
Or been lent out to some unknown source?
But of course, you try to have trust
In those that you love the most
When you need a thing
And put out a general cry
It is amazing the replies
Those are closest often
Do not respond
And those you know
A bit, see fit
To lend you their most precious
Or treasured thing
Not box or bag,
But a ring
Or antique going back generations
From the fathers of this nation
We borrow and lend
To friends and friends of friends
Now where are we?
On an apparent spending spree
That we cannot borrow more
And those lending days are through
This is the main issue
If not to be one who needs or charges fees
Then who shall we be?
The future is murky
Look at countries like Turkey
Greece and Ireland
Who have tried to be better men
Yet are like Rabbit trying
with all his relatives and relations
to unblock that door
Pooh Bear had to lose weight
Before he could get out of that scrape
I wonder what will happen to our state
Traveling at this rapid rate
Digging our own inevitable fate
I really cannot relate
To what the government does or purposes
As I haven’t chosen
To get on this ride with them
They are men who
Defend a system that is broken
And so few have spoken
About the justice of money
The future of this land
How can we expand our thinking?
We are sinking
This is stinking
More and more
They cannot ignore
The people who struggle
I wish they knew
How much we need
A common man
To take a stand
And understand making a solid plan
Lending less and borrowing less
To get us out of this mess!
That is what seems best
To quote a great mind
To be kind
To thy own self be true
But to borrow nothing
And lend nothing
I think could be quite shrewd

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