Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Poem #9 for National Poetry Month.
I looked at Facebook tonight right before writing my 10 minute poem. My friend Amy had posted a conversation with her daughters about explaining where babies come from and it was hilarious. I couldn't get it out of my mind when I sat down to write. Not quite as funny, but it turned out sweet musing of some imaginary child might say.

Baby Theory
Mama, where do babies come from?
Do they come from elevators?
You said I’m growing up and one day I’ll have a baby
So they must come from elevators
You said I’m growing up fast
Elevators go up really super-fast
Zoom! Just like babies
Or are they left by someone who really likes you?
You said I was a gift
I give gifts to people I like
and people give me plenty of presents on my birthday
My birthday was the day I was born
Are babies naked?
You said that my birthday suit is me with nothing on
You’re silly Mama, as babies would be cold
if they came completely naked!
I think they come wrapped up tight like a present
And they come fast like a rocket
And they come when you really like someone
Is that right? You must really like Papa
Because you had me!

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