Friday, April 07, 2017

NaWriPoMo #9 &10 Two short snapshots

A little snapshot of our time here in Portland.

Biodiesel Bus Boogie
Music makes my heart soar,
But yours tuned to the biodiesel bus
We pull up behind it to get a better look
You tell the story of how the biodiesel is made
How the bus runs,
Who made the bus?
What year it was made,
How that is a responsible plan
To take care of the transportation
In a city that thinks how things are made
But especially the buses!
This is your song
Your lyrics to go on
A slightly different lyric or melody
But you sing the praises of transportation
How we are moved
As you move
Forever moving
Us into cleaner energy
And a clearer future

Patisserie Pastime
A warm drink
Hearing the clinks
Of other glasses
People passing
Girls laughing
The waitress asks
If I pass
Or need a minute?
I fidget
Looking out the window
As the gusts continue to blow
I need more time
I sigh
So many choices
Rolling voices
Cascade and leave
Giving me heed
To choose
I can’t loose
Everything here is good
There are no shoulds
Only wants

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