Saturday, April 15, 2017

NaWriPoMo #21 & #22 Pre-Easter & Be Kind to Your Neighbor

Between Belief and Death
The smell of damp earth
Inside the grey green light
Her eyes adjusting to near twilight
Inside a cold hole in the ground
She lays the finishing touch on the body
She knows this is forever
How will his mother
Make it through tonight?
Where will his disciples
Lay their heads now?
Will they run away?
Or will they stay?
Will they help us?
To get past the absence
Of Jesus, who did miracles,
Yet lies here?
Before me stretched out,
On a slab, cold
So very cold,
She thinks about today
And yesterday and the events
Of this whole week
How is he here?
How is he not here, now?
I want to stay with him,
But it is just a body,
In a tomb,
That they will seal up later today,
My Lord, why have you gone away?

The Real Things in Life Aren’t Free
Prison is a real thing
Yet, I have never been there,
I know people who have
None of which was their fault,
They were in the wrong place
At the very wrong moment
I have been in accidents
Again, most not my fault,
But always in the wrong space
At the moment where wrong finds me
Then there is bankruptcy,
That blows through
The lives of several I know,
Once more, not that they
Did major wrong, but it found them
Disease, homelessness, unemployed,
All come to crumple up lives
That were once shiny and new,
When looking down from
Your tower of tolerance
Remember to forbore
That which you may not
Have had or gone through
Before you say boo
To your neighbor
Who wants to know you too

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