Monday, April 24, 2017

NaPoWriMo #35 How do they grow up?

Mother’s Day
You place your face against mine
The pressure is reassuring
While nearly alarming
Your cheek still so smooth
Almost as the day
you came out formed
you cried for me only then
I am eavesdropping on your
bedtime prattle with your father
Thinking how you used to wriggle
and fight when I’d place you
away from my secure side
into his strong arms
He gave you your first bath
as I could not lift you
I had not recovered
From our shared journey
You looked at him
With eyes so wide and blue
Unsure of his touch
You looked at me
To say, “is it okay?”
I said, “of course”
Which I did a lot
I kept talking
For you to hear
The anchor of my voice
Now you discuss
State and main
All of the things
That call you to speak
With the man you
Once cringed away from
You say little to me
I lean towards
The cheek you silently offer
As your mocking eyes
Tell me I am still
Part of your connection
But the silent movie mode
Will have to be sufficient
For mother and son
I will spy on
father’s magic moments
Until you grant me
audience again with scepter sway
Granting me one more glorious day

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