Friday, April 28, 2017

NaPoWriMo #37 All in the timing...

Groucho Marx,” I intend to live forever, or die trying.”

Groucho’s Intent
He looks back over his shoulder
Like a cheesecake take
But he is in a neatly tailored suit
Giving a look to rival
The pin up girls of the time
This whimsical flit
Dares to do more
Then say hello
He wants his audience
To applaud as it is his signature
Face that invites laughter
In his entrance
Yet this black and white snapshot
Is him walking away
Saying something like
“See ya later, if I see ya,
my glasses are fogging up
just thinking about it.”
He oozes the art of double speak
It is his spark
Making ladies playing opposite him
Squeak and often bark
As he chases them verbally
Around the park
Or wherever the scene is set
As it was always the same scenario
With different players
All but three or four
His was the first and last door
To open and close
Saying a signature “hello”
And long lingering adieu’s
Filled to the brim with laughter
Song and dance when he had the chance
Singing of tattooed ladies
And a Captain’s adventures
He somehow skated around the censor
He is part of the wall paper
That decorates the modern comedians
Groucho, you were one of a kind
Timing like yours is hard to find

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