Sunday, April 20, 2014

Trying Haikus

Today was wonderful in that I got to not only hear our Washington State Poet Laureate, Elizabeth Austen read some of her poems, but some other local poets as well. It was an event at one of the local libraries. I even participated in reading a couple of my own poems during the open mike portion of the program. But I didn’t hear but one person do any haikus. Her haikus were pretty brilliant, I had to admit.
I’m late posting this again tonight because I was challenging myself to write in that style---the haiku. I am not really comfortable attempting it. Some people think the haiku is easy to write, but I struggle with it. Here are my twenty minutes of attempting the genre. I’m sure some of you are much better at this then I am. Leave me a haiku!
Traditionally they are 5-7-5 in syllables, but there was a web site claiming that is not the case in English anymore that syllables don’t really count. I took that to heart with some of them.

Tomato plants reaching for sun
Call to me
I plant early

Fluffy pealed trees
Signal goes for spring
Yielding to frigid rains

Smell of brownies baking
Walk by the lake
Remind me swimming comes

Come God Almighty
Take away world’s mighty sin
You are much stronger

Held up by my love
Before I was born he came
He overcame grave

Sending sun’s rays back
I knelt down and felt around
Where the arrow fell

Looking down seeing
More is forgotten this hour
Starring at my hands

Rough patches on feet
Examines my heart speaking
Rub some lotion in

Slice through pain piercing
Look beyond the horizon
Bird wings its way free

Forgive me now
Hand placed on face tenderly
Turns to warmth again

Spring Blood moon rises
Thin, wet grass shutters in wind
Gaping ground swallows

Round wrinkled eyes soft
Place needle in hand to thread
Pull through missing once

Jesus treads not hard
Slides over donkey saddle
Braying covers cheers

Held tight in my arms
Place scraped out permanently

Round in a square hole

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