Monday, April 28, 2014

It's late tonight....

I had a really awesome beginning of a poem about dandelions in my head as I was gardening this afternoon. I hope that comes back to me, but for now....

Hearing the Call
Even in the silence
Of late night sitting
Before bed, but after
The hubbub of life
Filters to the bottom
Nothing switched on
But my thoughts
My space heater empty hisses
The faint ringing in my ears
Of nothing, but that high pitch
That I have to concentrate to notice
The soft clack of the computer keys
As I type to take away the aloneness
The not so distant busy main road
With police sirens or a fire truck
The consistent thrum of motors
An ambulance racing to the hospital down a few blocks
A wrong number ringing of the telephone
That shatters this solitude
Every few months
In this I hear you
You sit lit up in my mind
My heart a constant throb
Rising to the top
I am buzzing
Working the sweet memories
Vowing to call
Not now it is so late,
But when first light comes
And the world stretches
I hope the noise
Doesn’t drown out

My desire to hear you too

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