Sunday, April 27, 2014

Image again....

Some nights it is just whatever I’ve heard roaming in my mind in the ten minutes I get to sit and write a poem. I heard an old interview with Daniel Radcliff about how last Halloween he roamed around New York with an Elvis mask on and how wonderful that was for him to do that. There is a Harry Potter mask hanging up on the wall of my office that I love---it is from Italy. It is the only non-carnival-like mask that is on my wall and it got me to thinking.

If Elvis Could Have Taken a Walk
I am drawn to masks
I’ve heard that they are a bad thing
To hide behind something you are not
What if the mask is more comfortable than being unmasked?
What if it is you, the protection you seek
Or the anonymity that isn’t yours because
Everyone seems to know your business even before you do?
To walk around with something beautiful you construct
That distracts from what is raw and healing
Blemishes ripped away by your own hands
And to cover, you pick up your mask
As to not frighten those you meet
Especially people you’ve just now met
And want to get to know better
You can walk around with your mask on
Being who you want to be
Or a character you have always admired
A mask so adorned with jewels and pearlesque paint
Feathers floating around eyes that do not lie
Eyes that see out and no one breaks in
Except to guess what is behind
Those interactive, enticing eyes
When you arrive back at solitude
The mask comes off and is hung
On the wall for you to study
Each line, jewel, and fantastic feather
How to match what is underneath
With this beautiful portrait
That gives you total freedom

To truly be who you are

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