Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Morning poem...

April 15, 2014
I'm cheating a bit tonight as I wrote this, I think this fall, when I was running to the bus a lot for my job. I still do run to the bus, but I haven't seen the tent there probably since I wrote this. I need a break from writing a brand new poem every day----so I’m taking a quick run at re-writing this one instead.
Catching Up to the Bus
Harried at the inconvenience
I rail kicking up a ruckus
Out the door earlier than I want
I walk out into the cool damp drearies
The collection box for used clothing is newly removed
I momentarily notice,
Crossing over the overpass
I look down nestled in the long grass is a tent
No signs of life among the highway roars
My heart melts
I think about the cold wet night before
About the bus pass in my pocket
And my malignant complaints
Having to roll out of my warm bed with the birds,
But not really
Not like this
I want to go buy breakfast for both of us,
But I’ll miss my bus
My job I go to wouldn’t understand,
Compassion will have to wait
My heart turns the corner to gratefulness

Rejoicing for a small handful of troubles today

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