Thursday, April 02, 2015

Old Shoe Blue Lights Up the Room

NaPoWriMo Official Poem #2 and Unofficial #3 & #4
Last night I actually read a couple of last year’s poems in a pub for open mic night. I never read my poetry publically as it feels so close to me. It is like opening up my head for others to peek inside, which is really scary.
Tonight’s postings are little bits of the scribbles I wrote at the pub last night (during the music and a loud birthday party---so be kind) and also my ten minute poem that has been brewing in my head today.
Today is World Autism Day, but my mind kept getting more personal than the whole world---always going back to my whole world and the first two lines wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote the rest tonight.

The Perfect Stranger

“Congratulations it’s a boy!”
Words that used to bring such joy
Now gives me pause
Pondering if there will be cause
To pass on books and resources
Late night bolstering of souls
Connecting this joy filled couple
To worlds that seem at other poles
No cause to stumble,
as there is reason to celebrate
Not dissipate
the misty ring of hope

The news of a male heir
fills this air
With laughter and jokes
From most of the folks
They say he’ll have his mother’s eyes
They poke at his father’s unusual nose
They will be fine as long as there are ten fingers and toes
They all agree he will be beautiful!
That is a fact

True, I do not yet know the second act
It is pre-show
And all mother’s know
They must ready their darlings
Get them prepared to go
On the world stage
Turning another page
In the Creator’s book

“Look at this boy!”
Says another onlooker of joy
Putting the picture of a sweet, tiny face upturned
Outlined in white against fuzzy black
Into my hand
However he develops, I am not concerned
In this circle, they have his back
He is part of the exceptional expected clan

Ring a Frightful Rose (pub poem #1)

The monster ball

Invited the flowers all
They danced and danced
It was a tremendous romance
Until the rose’s pedals fell
The roses called out
The monsters did shout
Bringing silence to that Fall

I Never Was Good at Rubrik’s Cubes (pub poem #2)

Rude poetry will be the death of me
A burp, a fart, a fizzle,
A whistle, a wart, a worm
I squirm from the pictures racing ahead
And come to a full stop
Plop! I hear the sound of fat raindrops go splat
Onto the sidewalk of my empty brain in pain
Wandering down spooky halls
And around crowded, ugly malls
I march, march, march,
Waiting to munch a mushy pen top
Writing way too slow to know
What is what and who is who
Where is where and if cows moo
I stew
Boiling, burning, blistering HOT
Plop! Plop! Fizz! Fizz!
Oh what a relief it is NOT!

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