Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Happy NoPoWriMo 2015!

It’s that time of year again folks where I attempt to write a poem a day for 30 days!  I think it was the first year I participated they suggested only giving yourself ten minutes to write it and I have used that as a rule ever since. The challenge is called NaPoWriMo standing for “National Poetry Writing Month.” On the web site for this challenge they have everyone that is participating’s web sites listed. It is a fun way to browse some interesting poets or you don't have to have a web site to participate. Anyone can join in! Let me know if you are doing it as I'd love to follow your poetry journey too.
This is my third year participating and I’ve made it the last two and hope to again this year. Happy April 1st!
On the First of the Month
The end is before the beginning
Bleeding into each other, yet apart
Once we crash towards crushed against the deadlines
The other we turn the crisp clean page
What shall we write in this new empty space?
The first makes way for the middle and then the end
Nothing more bothersome then when there is no middle
Just ending on that note of panic or satisfaction
But only remembering that last lingering note
When the sounds began slowly to rise
Raising the hair on the back of my neck in anticipation
Of what would come or could or I expected to meet again
An entrance from the wings on opening night
A card that says, “thinking of you my friend”
A hand fumbled for during the movies
A song of a single robin at Spring’s first light
A baby tasting chocolate for the first time
A first quick unexpected peck on the lips
For the first moment of knowing you are exactly where you should be
Finally feeling you’re comfortable in your own skin
One becomes not the loneliest number
But one to cherish, fresh
In that single instant
Tracked by an action, feeling, sight, or sound
Taking our collective breath away once more

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