Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Chickens NaPoWriMo #11

We are planning on getting some backyard chickens. And my son and I have been doing some research on breeds. Today we struck on a breed that I had an immediate negative reaction to how it looked. My son thought this was hilarious. He usually doesn’t get the concept of teasing for fun and doesn’t like to be teased himself, most of the time even when it is all in fun. Today, he didn’t let this go and wanted more and more of a reaction out of me. His giggles are the very best reward!
Naked Chicken Tickles
I showed it to you as a joke
Now, the joke’s on me
The all-day giggles given
By one image and name
Of a possible chicken
Or impossible to my mind
You find it very funny
And now, it amuses me too
That you are so amused
By one ugly chicken
The name alone is laugh worthy
I thought so at the time
It is real

But here’s the deal
We are not getting one
They don’t look fun
They look rather homely
Not friendly at all
Perhaps, I shouldn’t judge
A chicken by it’s looks alone
But it is our home
And I have to look at them
In our yard
It could be hard
To attach myself
To something that looks like that
It will be our joke for days
You will lobby for them
Just to say the name
And tease your way
And to say “I love your distress,”
And I am delighted
You want to relate to me
You can bring me a hundred
Pictures of those ugly chickens
If our laughter it sets free

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