Sunday, April 26, 2015

NaPoWriMo #34

Summer Swim Time at Seven
Warm on the back of my neck
Inviting and deceptive
As my skin curls up, dries out, and reddens
The sweat dribbling down to the middle of my back
Half way out of the water
Laying my head against the cool blue tiles
To listen to the slap, slap, slap
Of the pocket gunk trap
In the corner of the pool
Imagining it to be a window
Opening and closing
Onto another world
I slip under the water
To cool off that neck
And sip in the muffled
Marimba-like punctuation
That is of that same comfort sound
Now on another planet
Blasting away down in the depths
Lying on the bottom
Until I must resurface again
To do it all over again

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