Sunday, April 22, 2018

NaPoWriMo: #26, #27, & #28 Theology, Sex, and Politics

These three poems attest that I’m not in a great mood tonight. The Abraham passage was our sermon today from Genesis 12. Yes, I see God’s promise, but it makes me wonder why he allowed it to go the way it did? We humans just aren’t that great at times!
It is easy for me to judge as I wasn’t under the pressure he and his wife were being refugees and all. That was the part my pastor pointed out today that I hadn’t really thought about, but I still was annoyed. So, I wrote poems about my annoyances tonight.

Rainbow Theology
I don’t give Abraham a pass!
He had so little class
In throwing his wife under the bus
When you are married you should trust
That when you are together
You shouldn’t be scared of the dude
you are married to
And what he will do
Sarai had great beauty
And too much duty
That she didn’t say a word
Being part of the Pharaoh’s herd?
I don’t get the two of them
He allowed her to be dragged in
And she went along
Even though it was so wrong!
She could have hidden her face
Walked with less grace
Acted a bit
Thrown fits
He could have said
She wasn’t right in the head
He could have hidden her
How did this occur?
To him or her or God?
Yes, I find that very odd
That in all the places God asks us
To find a way to trust
Here is the future father of a nation
Giving away his wife in temptation
To save his own skin
For the pickle he was in
He didn’t ask God
Giving away her bod
Abram did what made sense
He built his fence
To hold on to what was his
Keep things all his biz
God smote Pharaoh for this
Because he sought Sarai’s kiss
Pharaoh didn’t know
His part in this show
And this is how Abram got wealthy?
That too doesn’t seem healthy
It was Abram’s mistake
Yet God’s promise didn’t break
Instead Abram gets back his lass
And is given another pass
I could be rather crass
And ask why this…d….a?
Sorry for the sass,
Relax, I guess
God sees our mess
Still we are blessed
Even when we are pests

Find X
Two eyes
Two lips
One nose
And a mouth
You have them
So do I
Your eyes so bright
Mine washed with salt tears
Yours wide open
Mine shut tight
You sing
I say
You chew
I swallow
You sniff
I sneeze
You are the sum
I am the equation
You look
I see

Trump Card
Korea the forgotten war
No more
We’re opening a door
Will we walk through it?
The possibilities are huge
If we do pursue it
It isn’t just hyperbole
To say this
In stark contrast to every
Time we’ve heard
That word huge overused
In the past many months
Korean people have never forgotten
What is rotten
They’ve understood
That this strange specimen of “manhood”
Is up to no good
He thinks he can waltz in there
And repair
I’m a bit scared
What happens if he gets bored?
As I’ve heard is common
And he decides tweet
Something dumb?
Better run!
Look out below!
Things could blow!
Or he might just not show up
That could be better luck
I’d better practice how to duck
Just in case
He does something to disgrace
Oh Korea,
I wouldn’t want to be ya
But please don’t take issue
With the guy without a clue

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