Thursday, April 18, 2019

NaPoWriMo: #15 & 16 Physical Therapy and Maundy Thursday

Physical Therapy
“Yes, the other therapist told me you were easily inflamed.”
I sat with that label as she pulled and prodded
She massaged and yanked
“Sorry, was that too hard?”, she asked
As I winced internally
Seeing a star or two
Wondering, “What did I do to deserve this?”
A friend recently said that she calls this process
“pain and torture” instead of what it is
I contemplated if I was taking in
All she was saying I needed to do
And I thought about all the advice
That comes my way in every given day
And all I wish to dispense
But whine within
Wondering if I really am just “easily inflamed”?
Or do I ignore that stab of hitting that one sore spot
Until I see red?
She inquired, “Is that too much?”
“Yes, yes, I think I’m done!”
(Uncle, uncle you’ve won!)
The pain will be worth it
It always is in the end

An upper room
Impending doom
Was all around
Not said out loud
His best beloved
Pushed close, shoved
To sit by Him
The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci 
No other allowed in
He blessed the bread
Named it his body instead
He poured the wine
For the last time
“It is my blood
poured out in love.
Drink and taste.”
They did in haste
They knew he said
He would soon be dead
And would rise again
To cleanse men’s sin
They didn’t understand
This humble man
One slipped away
To get paid
Darkness came
Judas stained
God’s hand in motion
Disciple’s devotion
To a garden’s edge
Hollow words, a pledge
A prayer, a plea
“Father, can this pass from me?”
Torches touch night
There is nearly a fight
Jesus is taken away
He chooses who to save

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