Saturday, April 14, 2018

NaPoWriMo: Poem #19 Digging through decades...

I was searching old journals for a poem I’d already written to post here tonight, but they were way too personal and well… So, I wrote this instead.

Keeping, holding, clinging, burning,
I thrust out pictures
Constructed by rickety words
Wobbling tower ready to fall
It topples far over in order to lean on
Another nearby thought
Together they support each other
But neither are safe to climb
Least it collapse
As a pile of sticks and stones
That break my bones
And may never harm me
But my humor?
Well, it is all serious
Scenarios that life has thrown me
Under the proverbial bus
Too many times
Flattening my resolve
I close the cover
Put it back on the shelf
To open when I need
To see where the scars formed
But know how they healed
I see those ghost’s features
Covering my arms
And only shines when
A certain light falls on it
Otherwise I forget it is there
But I’ll always remember how it got there
Or what is was to me then
And is to me now

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