Monday, April 09, 2018

NaPoWriMo: #13 Spring Pests that look so pretty...

The King of Spring
Do dandelions roar?
Today I wondered this
I looked out at a field
Covered in rain the past few weeks
Was now enjoying being bathed in sunlight
Among the green, greens were heads of yellow
Populated everywhere in crowds or solo
But covering as a stadium
Cheering on spring
Roaring and roaming
To bring back sustenance
To the young ones that
Still were shut tight
Closing off their sunny faces
Waiting for white haired
That spread their seeds
By wind and wistful child
Then they will follow
To ravage the grassy knoll
Knowing they mark
Spring and summer like no other
By announcing in herald
“We are here!” devouering
Each dew drop
Choking out all plants that oppose
To be king of the urban jungle
Coming up through crack or crevice
Careening their necks
To turn and roar out spring

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