Tuesday, April 02, 2024

 April 2, 2024, & Poem #2

It is National Autism Awareness Day in National Autism Awareness Month; doesn’t that sound grand? As we say here, every day is autism awareness day and it is a fine day, indeed! I realized tonight that this awareness day was voted in by the United Nations Council the same year our son was diagnosed with ASD, 2007. I haven’t written specifically about it in a very long time, but I thought I’d try to funnel my awareness to the page tonight.

 Sorry, it is a long one as I have a lot to say about my favorite and most important Boy in this world (Man-Boy). I couldn’t get it to single space on the blog, so it looks longer than it is but I hope you read it to the end.


ASD Evidence for Evaluation

 You were what I didn’t expect

Even though I read the book on what to prepare for

You were bigger than you looked

When we peeked at those

blurry black and white

Pictures of you swimming serenely

Floating comfortably inside

Connected by a cord

Each inhale kept us both alive


Then out you popped

Like a loud champaign cork

They pulled you into the cold, bright, noise

and at first you didn’t cry

you opened those big eyes and took it all in

and visibly sighed

like a very wise old man thinking

“Is this all?”


I didn’t think that

Nor your father

As we starred at our miracle child

That didn’t cry

Wasn’t wild

From birth

Just looking and leaning in

To see what might happen

Saying not a word


You were late at everything

Walking, talking on your own, drawing, and pointing

You had to be poked and prodded for all of it

And yet you drifted to anything written

You were smitten with the alphabet

and words, words, words, words, words, words, words

that you could repeat or mimic

like a little bird on our shoulder

you cried to hold telephone books

and rattled the pages

gloried in what they said


One day, being only a little past one

You read to us

We thought you were

Simply repeating what you’d heard

We couldn’t resist testing our tiny mimic

We gave you a book

You had never seen

It sounds obscene

But you read it!

Every last syllable

You would think

This was our clue

About you


At two and a bit

We were suggested

To take you

And get you tested

No, we thought

We were fraught

With all, we’d heard

This dreaded word



You flew through all the tests

we thought this best

but they brought us back

to read the facts

it was what we dreaded

to pass those tests

meant it was embedded

somewhere deep in family history

or had to do with how late

you came to us

with disgust

they looked at us

or so it felt

like it was our fault

they called you marred

our family scarred

your future bleak

because you still

didn’t speak


The next six years

You hardly slept, spoke, or ate,

Still, we thought you were great

Bringing us so much joy

You giggled and grew

And you knew a slew

Of books you could

Repeat by heart

The spark of humanity strong

You plodded along

Exploring everything

Siphoning off our energy

And re-energizing

Our connection

To each other, family, and the world


It wasn’t a bed of roses

You’ve many times

Said how hard it is

To have this plaque

You wear and it wears you



It is this thing that people think they know

Until they try to get to know


The autism sauce is mixed in

As part of the dish

That is your unusual

Perspective, vocabulary, and deep insight

To the corner of the world

You care about the most


Your passion reaches

Farther than my mind and heart often

You cause us to explore

Where we wouldn’t, couldn’t, or hadn’t thought to

You cause me to care more

Of those I’d passed by

Without a thought

If it weren’t for the autism

You have that in common

With more people than you know


My joy boy

That can brew

Churning into a storm boy

Is Man-Boy rounding the adult corner

Where those things still live together

In a house less sensitive

Then when he was a child

Now milder compared to your wilder past

You’ve learned clues

For stretching moments of peace or hope

How to cope

The choppy waves

you brave autism's cold, bright, noise

Floating alone in the wide autistic sea

Where you can always exceed 

anyone's expectations


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