Friday, April 03, 2015

The Good of Good Friday

Good Friday had me thinking all day about why is it called good? What is it to be that alone? What is it to be mocked by those that know nothing of you one day and all of a sudden you are famous? How did Jesus stand it or how does anyone stand there and take it? When you are famous everyone seems to know who you are and has an opinion. This got me to thinking about all the many celebrities and politicians that are the “soup de jour” and what happens to them as last year’s scandal has faded away by the next year. So, a mixture of humanness and what it is to be alone. Here are a few of my thoughts mixed into poems of the day. NaPoWriMo #5 and #6

On That Hill
What is good about standing alone?
We are told to stand together, stand united, stand tall,
But don’t ever stand out
If you are alone or the lone voice in the crowd
It is not easy
People remember you for good after you are gone
But while you are there voicing that one opinion
That is not popular, believed, or easy
You are alone
Or supported by such few
That you feel very small
Not like the huge thing inside of you
That makes you shout to the heavens
“Father, why have you forsaken me?”
Or us, as the case may be
You represent the voices of more than just you
But you are “it”
Alone, you stand looking at a sea
Of angry people that know nothing really of you
Except that you represent “it”
Christ being beaten from John 19
charcoal by Sarah Stillion 2001
Whatever that “it” is
“It” has set you apart
On a hill
In the middle
Very much

Fifteen Punchlines
All famous people move on
And become punchlines to jokes
Even if they were respected
We think we know them
So we take what we know
Turning it on its head
Laughing all the while
Because they had a moment
We all knew them or thought we did
They become ours
No longer theirs
No wonder they fight hard
To hang onto normal
Or do the opposite and exploit what they can
As they do what they do
We watch dreaming of being them
Meeting them or hating them
For we are not them
We are removed from the spotlight
So far that it isn’t funny
So we make fun of them
As they will never know

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