Monday, April 06, 2015

Picking up the pieces and cleaning up the mess…

A tussle at our house today over picking up scraps of shredded cardboard put me in mind of my mother and what she would or wouldn’t put up with. Granted, she didn’t have an autistic child, but she did put up with a lot from all five of us children. And she always had us clean up our mess. You didn’t say no to that woman at all.

Stubborn is….
My mother used to say, “Stubborn is as stubborn does”
And then she’d add, “Do it, just because”
The because came with her authority
When it comes to mothers, they are in the majority
No matter how many children protest
Mommy Dearest, always knows best
That is until I had my own child
I thought he’d be plenty mild
I dreamed of an obedient baby
Who wouldn’t even say maybe
He would snap to
Nothing he wouldn’t do
For me or my whims
Erasing all my sins
Because he’d be pure forgiveness
And never ever piss on my plans
This is a dream baby
A mother-to-be fantasy
But my boy is a mixture
Of both pure love and guile
He has a great style
To wind his way around my heart
Even when he doesn’t take my part
I love those blue pleading eyes
And hearing those long suffering sighs
He wriggles past what he could do
To find a way to throw in a complaint or two
Or seemingly five thousand of them
Alright, maybe only a dozen
But he spends his energy spinning those wheels
Kicking, pinching, punching, and making squeals
That I long for when he was a true baby
I could hold and sooth the incomprehensible cries
Now I sigh deep, turning my head to the skies
Searching for an answer of “can do?” or “won’t do?”
Dying a little with each declaration that he spews
Towards me and my Beloved
We wonder where this comes from
And we dig in stubborn too
To help search for his "he doesn't have a clue where it is" 
always missing shoe

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