Saturday, April 22, 2017

NaWriPoMo #32 & #33 More like exercises, but it'll do for tonight

The first poem is a warm up kind of exercise I do when nothing occurs to me. Tonight it was more poem-like, so I decided it counts. The second is a bit didactic, but okay, so it counts too. Not my best work, but you gotta put out some that aren't great to get to the good stuff too. I can feel I'm not in the right space tonight, but that happens too. 

Sounds My Mind Makes During Pancakes
Pat, pat, pat,
Tap, tap, tip,
Rip, pat, sip,
Lap, fat, cat,
Pal, gal, cow,
Moo, shoe, poo,
Crew, stew, woo,
Goo, sue, clue,
Glue, too, tutu,
Pink, think, drink,
Sthink, clink, clunk

Teacher’s Peach
Teaching is like selecting
The perfect peach
You see it, the beauty as it forms,
It hangs there just out of reach,
And you think how good it will taste
You can smell how the sun
Has ripened it
And how sweet it must taste
But you know it isn’t the time
Yet to pick it
It must stay until it is ripe
You watch and wait
You hope it rains enough
And it is hot enough
Just the right conditions
And the day comes
You get your ladder
To reach up for that
Perfect ripe peach
You almost want to keep
It hanging on the tree
It will taste so good
But after that
You can’t think about that
You pick it and carefully
Go back down the ladder
You show it to everyone
And then you sink your teeth
Into that amazing peach
It is better then you thought
As the juices run
Down your arms and face
But you don’t care
You want to savor
Every bite and so its messy,
It is the best thing ever!
Then it is gone
The curious, wrinkled pit
You hold is all that is left
You look at it
In wonder that a peach
Such a perfect fruit
Came from something so
Ugly, unrefined, and rough,
Yet you know the power of what
Is inside that pit
So you plant it
Knowing that many years
From now that same peach
Or one maybe even better
Will hang on the tree
Made from that central
Thing you just planted
And you walk away
From the orchard
Happy that you found
The perfect pit to plant today
Tomorrow you hope
There is another one

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