Sunday, April 28, 2013

Poem #28 of National Poetry Month and Autism Awareness too, which I write quite a bit of poetry about my autistic son.  Some nights I am so grateful for a quick prayer said and answered by the kindness of strangers. I needed help and it came from strangers and my husband. The boy might be not feeling well as part of this too, but I didn’t know until the storm hit. This poem I write for Peter and Austin that stopped to help us out tonight. You were the angels sent to aid us. Thanks!

Flash Flood Storm Boy
Downward spiral you slide so fast
I am caught in your wind wake
Not seeing all that is at stake
It is a seamless night
With a clear sky
Like a desert downpour
Out of no where
Sudden onslaught of sleepiness
Drives the clouds to grow
Larger, more full, and the deepest threatening hue
I had no clue this was brewing
Until I am drenched in misfired questions
Misdirection and so many missed connections
As I scurry to find the map to lead us out of it
Tonight a couple of strangers
 held an umbrella over our heads
I was shocked they stopped
And really heard your cries for help
They weren’t afraid
They sat down and stayed
Looking like they would have
Remained for as long as it takes
To see the storm abated
This new lightening rod
Attracted all your energy
You were repelled by them
I was attracted to their kindness
It was enough inertia to blow the storm
Down the block and into the car
Where we had to go
As home was so far
The rage settled to a trickle
Until the tickle of the driveway
You were so dismayed as the Heavens opened
 again to flood the floor to ceiling
I thought we would drown this time
Trapped in the car
Gotten this far
Then my partner storm chaser
Stepped out of the house
To see the tornado up close
He shouted to be heard
Stepping into the funnel undeterred
Into the house you blew
Full hurricane on the horizon
Unless we could shoot the eye
Coming around the bend
We stuffed your high pressure front
Into your footed pajamas
Getting many kisses from Mama
We brushed teeth
Despite the rain still constant
We tucked you in
Giving you a concert
Of sweet rest
Songs stilling the storm
Eyes closing
Rain down to a hiccupping mist
The fresh smell of sleep
Curling away the clouds
In comforted consolation
Our sweet boy once more

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